Hosted by actor Erik Estrada and travel expert Laura McKenzie, "The World's...
Hosted by actor Erik Estrada and travel expert Laura McKenzie, "The World's Funniest Moments" has a lot to live up to given its title. Combine one par...
Hosted by actor Erik Estrada and travel expert Laura McKenzie, "The World's Funniest Moments" has a lot to live up to given its title. Combine one part "America's Funniest Home Videos" with one part YouTube and mix in a little of the former "CHiPs" star, and you get this hourlong program that features funny home videos, short films and commercial parodies -- many of which are sent in by viewers -- with some of the most-popular viral videos on the Internet. Amazing pets, laughing babies, party mishaps -- this show has it all ... or at least pets, babies and party mishaps.
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