Introduced to viewers in "Braxton Family Values," Tamar Braxton is the fami...
Introduced to viewers in "Braxton Family Values," Tamar Braxton is the family's sassy youngest sister. This series follows Tamar and music mogul husba...
Introduced to viewers in "Braxton Family Values," Tamar Braxton is the family's sassy youngest sister. This series follows Tamar and music mogul husband Vince Herbert, whom she married in 2008, in their relationship, which centers around her obsession with achieving instant pop stardom and his attempts to keep his sanity while trying to help her reach her goal. While they have an over-the-top lifestyle, Tamar has her hands full dealing with Vince's health issues, her stagnant music career, and pet dog Miracle, who constantly barks and relieves himself everywhere. Through the highs and lows, the couple are out to prove that a husband and wife can mix business with pleasure.
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