"Mysteries & Scandals," hosted and executive produced by Soledad O'Brien, i...
"Mysteries & Scandals," hosted and executive produced by Soledad O'Brien, investigates some of the most legendary and intriguing murders, scandals and...
"Mysteries & Scandals," hosted and executive produced by Soledad O'Brien, investigates some of the most legendary and intriguing murders, scandals and other crimes that have impacted pop culture. Firsthand accounts, re-enactments and archival footage give way to highlighting fame, obsession, envy, betrayal and other such deeds. O'Brien pulls back the curtain on notorious true crime stories such as the parallel deaths between Bobbi Kristina Brown and Whitney Houston and exploring Michael Jackson and Anna Nicole Smith's deaths. Soledad O'Brien is an award-winning journalist, speaker, author and philanthropist whose work has led her to receiving many awards, including two Emmys.
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