TV-14 • Animation & Cartoons, Comedy • TV Series
This clever animated comedy revolves around the law firm of Sebben & Sebben...
This clever animated comedy revolves around the law firm of Sebben & Sebben and primarily the activities of Harvey T. Birdman, described as a third-ra...
This clever animated comedy revolves around the law firm of Sebben & Sebben and primarily the activities of Harvey T. Birdman, described as a third-rate lawyer who takes the cases nobody else wants. Birdman, an ex-superhero from the Hanna-Barbera cartoon "Birdman and the Galaxy Trio," works alongside other Hanna-Barbera cartoon stars from the 1960s and '70s, and many of his enemies from "Galaxy Trio" also became attorneys and are often seen representing the opposing side of a particular case. The series' 39-episode run ended in 2007.
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