Following the long-running success of "Dog Whisperer," Cesar Millan continu...
Following the long-running success of "Dog Whisperer," Cesar Millan continues his mission to rehabilitate dogs and train the humans who want to love t...
Following the long-running success of "Dog Whisperer," Cesar Millan continues his mission to rehabilitate dogs and train the humans who want to love them. At his dog psychology center in Spain, Millan gives rescued canines -- deemed unadoptable because of behavioral issues -- a second chance at life, with three people in each episode competing for the chance to own one special pup. Millan tests the dog skills of each candidate over two days to determine who is the best leader of the pack, while he also employs his "exercise, discipline and affection" method to prepare a dog to be placed in the selected candidate's home.
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