The creators of "Robot Chicken" present a mystery series using their unique...
The creators of "Robot Chicken" present a mystery series using their unique animation style. The all-star cast of voice actors includes Julian Barratt...
The creators of "Robot Chicken" present a mystery series using their unique animation style. The all-star cast of voice actors includes Julian Barratt, Terry O'Quinn, Luis Guzmán, Tim Heidecker, Sunita Mani, Tim Meadows, Bebe Neuwirth, John C. Reilly, Dax Shepard, Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Debra Winger, Alia Shawkat and Kurtwood Smith. The plot involves two detectives who must contend with dangerous corruption as they investigate the mysterious disappearance of the last honest politician in their dark city; a group of unlikely suspects emerges -- each with the last name of Smith.
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