A semi-autobiographical series created by Lena Waithe, "Twenties" follows H...
A semi-autobiographical series created by Lena Waithe, "Twenties" follows Hattie, an aspiring screenwriter and queer Black woman in her 20s, and her t...
A semi-autobiographical series created by Lena Waithe, "Twenties" follows Hattie, an aspiring screenwriter and queer Black woman in her 20s, and her two straight best friends, Marie and Nia. The three chase their dreams and try to find their ways in Los Angeles as they struggle to figure out life, love and the professional world. Marie is a television executive, while Nia makes a living as a yoga teacher. With Jonica T. Gibbs, Christina Elmore and Gabrielle Graham starring as the three main characters, the series also features Sophina Brown as Hattie's boss and Big Sean as Tristan, Nia's love interest.
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