TV-14 • Comedy, Special Interest • TV Series • 2016
In this awkwardly titled series that truTV calls a comedy-centric documenta...
In this awkwardly titled series that truTV calls a comedy-centric documentary anthology, previously untold TV tales behind comedy icons -- films, club...
In this awkwardly titled series that truTV calls a comedy-centric documentary anthology, previously untold TV tales behind comedy icons -- films, clubs, and performers -- receive the light of day. Related directly by the people who were on the inside, the truth comes out about, for example, the inspiration behind the famous "jive" scene in "Airplane!" The cast and crew also recall how star Leslie Nielsen was the only actor who really "got" the movie. Stories are shared about "Bridesmaids," "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," "The Jerk," "Tommy Boy," "Bull Durham" and "Heathers," as well as talent breeding grounds The Groundlings and The Comedy Cellar.
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