This miniseries tells the story of the real-life event in 1963, known as th...
This miniseries tells the story of the real-life event in 1963, known as the Great Train Robbery, in which a gang of 15 robbers, led by mastermind Bru...
This miniseries tells the story of the real-life event in 1963, known as the Great Train Robbery, in which a gang of 15 robbers, led by mastermind Bruce Reynolds, attacked a train and got away with more than £2.6 million. Part one tells the story from the robbers' point of view, detailing how the act was inspired, planned, rehearsed and executed. Part two takes a look at the police investigation into the robbery, led by London DCS Tommy Butler, as the team of detectives tries to identify every criminal involved in the crime and bring them to justice before they flee England.
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