"So Random!" began its life as a show-within-a-show on "Sonny With a Chance...
"So Random!" began its life as a show-within-a-show on "Sonny With a Chance." Now, with Sonny out of the picture, the other "So Random!" cast members ...
"So Random!" began its life as a show-within-a-show on "Sonny With a Chance." Now, with Sonny out of the picture, the other "So Random!" cast members take center stage, along with new repertory players, as it becomes its own half-hour series. The sketch comedy series geared toward tweens features comedic vignettes parodying pop culture and various aspects of everyday life. Popular recurring characters from the "So Random!" minishow that make the leap to the stand-alone show include Roadkill McGill and kid lawyer Sally Jensen. Each episode features a performance by a special guest or a musical guest.
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