Rudy Maxa, known as "The Savvy Traveler" to the many listeners of his popul...
Rudy Maxa, known as "The Savvy Traveler" to the many listeners of his popular syndicated radio show, hosts this series where he showcases memorable tr...
Rudy Maxa, known as "The Savvy Traveler" to the many listeners of his popular syndicated radio show, hosts this series where he showcases memorable travel destinations in Europe and shares his knowledge of how people can best enjoy their visits. Maxa helps travelers take charge of their own trips, suggesting famous sites that shouldn't be missed along with the enjoyable surprises that await off the beaten path. Maxa also provides tips on making reservations, explores the different methods of transportation that are available in each locale, and suggests how viewers can overcome language barriers and make their getaways truly unforgettable.
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