In each episode of "Penn & Teller Tell a Lie," the comedy-magic duo makes s...
In each episode of "Penn & Teller Tell a Lie," the comedy-magic duo makes several (up to seven) outrageous claims, such as a butter knife can stop a s...
In each episode of "Penn & Teller Tell a Lie," the comedy-magic duo makes several (up to seven) outrageous claims, such as a butter knife can stop a speeding bullet, that are supported by scientific evidence -- most of which are, surprisingly, true. But one of the claims is a lie. And it's up to the viewers, in an interactive format, to determine which of the duo's stories is false. Viewers are prompted throughout the show to utilize the show's online and mobile apps to cast their votes and at the end of each episode, the live results of the home audience's vote are revealed.
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