Embark on an exciting excursion around the globe to explore breathtaking la...
Embark on an exciting excursion around the globe to explore breathtaking landscapes. Experience the different modes of luxury that passengers can take...
Embark on an exciting excursion around the globe to explore breathtaking landscapes. Experience the different modes of luxury that passengers can take on these great locomotives. Teddy Wilson, host and narrator describes Japan's trains as, "Japan Rail has devised an ingenious system of sensors and centralized operations -- a system so successful that during the devastating earthquake in 2011 every bullet train in the Shinkansen system was stopped in its tracks before the earthquake struck, keeping passengers on the bullet trains safe." From luxury to vintage to high-speed and even revolutionary these great trains navigate Canada's terrain, Japan's earthquake zones and every place in between. Jump behind the scenes with the engineers and crews as they travel to distant locales.
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