George and Mayan, a once-estranged father and daughter, navigate dysfunctio...
George and Mayan, a once-estranged father and daughter, navigate dysfunction, reconnection and all the headaches and joy in between as they make up fo...
George and Mayan, a once-estranged father and daughter, navigate dysfunction, reconnection and all the headaches and joy in between as they make up for lost time like only they can. With George back in the picture, he can always be counted on to provide Mayan with some unconventional parenting advice about her son, Chance -- while saving a few lighthearted barbs for her boyfriend, Quinten, for good measure. Then there's George's ex-wife, Rosie, who hasn't quite forgiven him, but they're staying on good terms... mostly. In the end, the Lopez clan gets by with a little drama, a lot of love and a lifetime of laughter.
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