Combine a top music act with an intimate, often historic but unconventional...
Combine a top music act with an intimate, often historic but unconventional performance space -- great idea! -- and you get the compelling American Pu...
Combine a top music act with an intimate, often historic but unconventional performance space -- great idea! -- and you get the compelling American Public Television series "Live From the Artists Den." It made its debut in 2009 and is still going strong, simply because the performers enjoy playing in much smaller settings, and fans as well love the up-close and personal nature of the shows. Among the many concerts "Artists Den" has featured are Elvis Costello at the New York Public Library; Robert Plant at the War Memorial Auditorium in Nashville, Tenn.; The Black Crowes at the Lyric Oxford in Mississippi; Adele at Santa Monica Bay Woman's Club; Soundgarden at The Wiltern in Los Angeles; Kid Rock at Graceland; and Norah Jones at the Green Building in Brooklyn, N.Y.
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