A staple of MTV's programming lineup in the 1990s, "Unplugged" features pop...
A staple of MTV's programming lineup in the 1990s, "Unplugged" features popular artists performing acoustic -- or unplugged -- versions of some of the...
A staple of MTV's programming lineup in the 1990s, "Unplugged" features popular artists performing acoustic -- or unplugged -- versions of some of their biggest hits, offering their fans a chance to experience favorite tunes in a new way. Name recognition isn't in short supply on the show as many of the era's biggest musical acts made their way through the "Unplugged" studio over the years, with a roster that includes Paul McCartney, Mariah Carey, Eric Clapton, Bruce Springsteen and Nirvana. A number of the performances were subsequently released as live albums, in some cases earning Grammy Awards for the artists.
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