Originally a short-form comedy series, "Laff Mobb's Laff Tracks" transition...
Originally a short-form comedy series, "Laff Mobb's Laff Tracks" transitions to a full-blown half-hour of laughs courtesy of the next generation of fu...
Originally a short-form comedy series, "Laff Mobb's Laff Tracks" transitions to a full-blown half-hour of laughs courtesy of the next generation of funny men and women. The series, TruTV says, completely reinvents stand-up routines by having each joke brought to life by actors in over-the-top visual re-creations. DJ/comic Cipha Sounds concludes each episode by introducing the joke of the night, and the comic responsible for it proceeds to bring down the house. Former "Def Comedy Jam" co-creator Bob Sumner is among "Laff Mobb's" executive producers.
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