The team known as the Paranormal Syndicate has face-to-face encounters with...
The team known as the Paranormal Syndicate has face-to-face encounters with things that go bump in the night -- and perhaps during the day as well. Le...
The team known as the Paranormal Syndicate has face-to-face encounters with things that go bump in the night -- and perhaps during the day as well. Led by lead investigator Daniel Hooven and technical specialist Helmey Kramer (who is also the syndicate's founder), the team visits haunted hotspots across the U.S., including a Masonic Temple in North Adams, Mass., the Hotel Cecil in Los Angeles, and a farmhouse in Fall River, Mass., that was home to Lizzie Borden's family. The team's goal is to collect and record evidence of paranormal activity. Case manager Jordan Murphy and psychic Chelsea Damali are also in the cast, as is Captain, a Labrador trained to detect anomalous electromagnetic fields.
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