Based on a popular segment on "The Late Late Show With James Corden" and em...
Based on a popular segment on "The Late Late Show With James Corden" and emceed by rapper-actor Method Man and model Hailey Baldwin, "Drop the Mic" in...
Based on a popular segment on "The Late Late Show With James Corden" and emceed by rapper-actor Method Man and model Hailey Baldwin, "Drop the Mic" invites celebrities from the worlds of entertainment, music, sports and pop culture to compete in rap battles. Episodes feature four players in head-to-head battles, creating moments packed with lyrical creativity and "Did you hear that?" moments. Studio audience votes determine the mic-dropping winner of each battle. The talent lineup includes Anthony Anderson, Nicole Richie, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Tony Hale, Vanessa Hudgens, James Van Der Beek, and members of Rascal Flatts and Boyz II Men.
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