TV-PG • Documentary, Drama • TV Series • 2024
"Deadly Waters With Captain Lee" is a sun-soaked true crime series that see...
"Deadly Waters With Captain Lee" is a sun-soaked true crime series that sees Captain Lee search for answers to some of the most remarkable, unsolved c...
"Deadly Waters With Captain Lee" is a sun-soaked true crime series that sees Captain Lee search for answers to some of the most remarkable, unsolved crimes ever to have taken place on the high seas; the captain sets sail for some of the world's most exotic locations, but he's not investigating small-scale vacation-gone-wrong crimes, he's looking into the craziest, most remarkable and downright bizarre crimes that have happened just off the coast of paradise; with on-location shooting, eyewitness testimony, shocking revelations and new evidence, this is one voyage no one will forget.
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