TV-G • Animation & Cartoons, Family, Action & Adventure • TV Series
"Chibiverse" expands on the "Chibi Tiny Tales" animated short series, and f...
"Chibiverse" expands on the "Chibi Tiny Tales" animated short series, and features iconic Disney television characters in adorable "chibi-form" while ...
"Chibiverse" expands on the "Chibi Tiny Tales" animated short series, and features iconic Disney television characters in adorable "chibi-form" while they celebrate some of their best adventures. The chibi characters, which are from various franchises, get created in a lab out of the remnants of Disney characters found in a vault. Appearances include Phineas and Ferb, Cricket Green from "Big City Greebes," Penny Proud from "The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder," and Sharpay Evans from "High School Musical."
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