TV-14 • Animation & Cartoons, Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy • TV Series • 1990
"Wallace and Gromit" is a comedic clay animation series created by Nick Par...
"Wallace and Gromit" is a comedic clay animation series created by Nick Park. The characters are based on members of his family; Nick's father, with h...
"Wallace and Gromit" is a comedic clay animation series created by Nick Park. The characters are based on members of his family; Nick's father, with his attitude towards life, serves as the inspiration for Wallace. Gromit comes from Nick overhearing his brother talking about "grommets." The program focuses on an eccentric cracker and cheese-loving inventor named Wallace and his companion, an intelligent yet silent anthropomorphic dog, named Gromit. During their adventures, the duo thwarts villains' plans and shenanigans.
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