Set in the late 1800s, an origin story of the series "Walker," "Walker Inde...
Set in the late 1800s, an origin story of the series "Walker," "Walker Independence" follows Abby Walker, an affluent and tough-minded Bostonian whose...
Set in the late 1800s, an origin story of the series "Walker," "Walker Independence" follows Abby Walker, an affluent and tough-minded Bostonian whose husband is murdered before her eyes while on their journey out West. Abby arrives in the town of Independence, Texas, where she encounters diverse and eclectic residents running from their pasts, chasing their dreams, and keeping their own secrets. Abby runs into Hoyt Rawlins, a slippery rogue, thief, and con artist with a dented heart of gold who quickly eyes Abby as a mark, until she turns the tables on him. In seeking justice for her husband, Abby and Hoyt soon find themselves precariously aligned, both seeking to uncover the truth about the identity of Abby's husband's killer, and vow to save Independence -- a frontier boomtown where nothing is what it seems.
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