TLC's groundbreaking series highlights the personal stories of families abo...
TLC's groundbreaking series highlights the personal stories of families about to experience life-altering moments as they unfold on live TV. Airing fr...
TLC's groundbreaking series highlights the personal stories of families about to experience life-altering moments as they unfold on live TV. Airing from different locations across the country, each hourlong episode shares two unique stories -- filled with twists, turns and big surprises -- of families and their loved ones as they experience an epic, pivotal moment. From seeing the miracle of a woman walk for the first time to watching a father be reunited with a long-lost family member, "This Is Life Live" delivers authentic stories in an unfiltered way. Emmy-winning journalist Lisa Joyner and TV personality Chris Jacobs host.
Available in the U.S. nationwide. This lineup offers a sample of channels we offer. Please enter your home ZIP code below to see your area's lineup. Subject to availability.