Drama series "Mad Men" told fictionalized stories of people who worked in t...
Drama series "Mad Men" told fictionalized stories of people who worked in the Madison Avenue advertising scene in the 1960s. This docuseries tells rea...
Drama series "Mad Men" told fictionalized stories of people who worked in the Madison Avenue advertising scene in the 1960s. This docuseries tells real-life stories of some of the people and campaigns that inspired the Emmy-winning drama and expands the timeline, covering the period from the 1950s through the '80s. Interviews with people at the heart of the stories -- including advertising executives of the time and Brooke Shields, who modeled for a controversial Calvin Klein campaign in the early '80s -- are blended with classic commercials and ad campaigns, including iconic ads from brands like Coca-Cola and Apple's Macintosh computer. Also featured are interviews with cast and crew members of "Mad Men," who discuss how they re-created Madison Avenue in their series. Actor John Slattery -- who received four Emmy nominations for his portrayal of Roger Sterling on the series -- narrates.
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