TV-Y • Animation & Cartoons, Family, Action & Adventure, Special Interest • TV Series • 2022
Aimed at young children, "The Creature Cases" follows the animated adventur...
Aimed at young children, "The Creature Cases" follows the animated adventures of Sam Snow and Kit Casey, two agents employed by the Covert League of A...
Aimed at young children, "The Creature Cases" follows the animated adventures of Sam Snow and Kit Casey, two agents employed by the Covert League of Animal Detective Experts, or C.L.A.D.E. for short. The duo travel around the world to solve many mysteries using their expertise in problem-solving and animal facts. Exploring a wide variety of unique creatures in a world populated only by animals, the agents must put secret information and intelligence to use. Using their contacts, the Mice Squad, and knowledge of zoology, the detectives are well-equipped to crack each case.
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