Comedian and stage actress Carol Burnett, who first gained popularity durin...
Comedian and stage actress Carol Burnett, who first gained popularity during her stint on "The Gary Moore Show," hosted this one-hour variety series. ...
Comedian and stage actress Carol Burnett, who first gained popularity during her stint on "The Gary Moore Show," hosted this one-hour variety series. Her talented supporting players included Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, Vicki Lawrence (who got the job based on her resemblance to Burnett) and Lyle Waggoner. Skits often featured guest stars, such as Mama Cass of the Mamas and the Papas or singer Steve Lawrence. One sketch, "The Family" (which featured Lawrence as the persnickety Mama and Burnett as her hotheaded daughter) was later spun-off into it's own sitcom.
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