TV-G • Animation & Cartoons, Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy • TV Series • 2018
Created by British animator and illustrator Julia Pott, the series follows ...
Created by British animator and illustrator Julia Pott, the series follows the adventures of Oscar and his best friend, Hedgehog, who have just been d...
Created by British animator and illustrator Julia Pott, the series follows the adventures of Oscar and his best friend, Hedgehog, who have just been dropped off at their first summer camp. Away from their parents, the two quickly learn that Summer Camp Island is not a normal summer camp: the counselors are witches, horses become unicorns, and monsters live under the bed. Not all camps offer the opportunity to swim with a talking shark in the swimming pool, crawl under the bed into a different universe, or make friends with the moon, but Oscar and Hedgehog do their best to navigate the mysteries and wonders of this magical place and make their stay worthwhile.
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