TV-Y • Animation & Cartoons, Family, Action & Adventure • TV Series
"Rainbow Rangers" is set in a magical land called Kaleidoscopia. It focuses...
"Rainbow Rangers" is set in a magical land called Kaleidoscopia. It focuses on seven 9-year-old girls who are the guardians of both nature and their l...
"Rainbow Rangers" is set in a magical land called Kaleidoscopia. It focuses on seven 9-year-old girls who are the guardians of both nature and their land. Each of the girls, including Rosie Redd, Bonnie Blueberry, Indigo Allfruit, Anna Banana, Mandarin Orange, Pepper Mintz, and Lavender Laviolette, is inspired by the colors of the rainbow. Each girl is given a different power, including speed, strength and music, to use to protect the citizens, clean the planet, and strive to make the world a better place for everyone.
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