TV-MA • Drama, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Horror & Suspense • TV Series • 2023
Taking place in 2052, 37 years since the end of the original "Orphan Black"...
Taking place in 2052, 37 years since the end of the original "Orphan Black" series, Echoes follows the life of the now adult Kira, played by Krysten R...
Taking place in 2052, 37 years since the end of the original "Orphan Black" series, Echoes follows the life of the now adult Kira, played by Krysten Ritter, and her wife as they try to help an amnesiac woman. The futuristic series takes a deep dive into an exploration of the scientific manipulation of human existence. A group of women weave their way into each other's lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unraveling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a heartwrenching story of love and betrayal.
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