In a project that hits close to home, National Geographic Channel forays in...
In a project that hits close to home, National Geographic Channel forays into the true-crime genre by documenting biologist and National Geographic ex...
In a project that hits close to home, National Geographic Channel forays into the true-crime genre by documenting biologist and National Geographic explorer Roman Dial's investigation into the 2014 disappearance of his son. An experienced outdoorsman, Cody Roman Dial vanished while trying to complete a solo expedition through the Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica, one of Central America's most dangerous jungles. "Missing Dial" chronicles how Roman, along with a former DEA special agent and a retired United States Air Force pararescue jumper/wilderness expert, spent nearly eight months in Costa Rica interviewing witnesses, interrogating suspects and trekking deep into the jungle in pursuit of new leads. They retrace Cody's last-known whereabouts and use hidden cameras and fake identities to uncover a web of lies, surprising clues and a shocking twist.
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