This drama series, set in stylish 1920s Toronto, follows the female-only ag...
This drama series, set in stylish 1920s Toronto, follows the female-only agency Drake Private Detectives, led by the eponymous Frankie Drake and her p...
This drama series, set in stylish 1920s Toronto, follows the female-only agency Drake Private Detectives, led by the eponymous Frankie Drake and her partner Trudy Clarke. Incorporating a brand of justice that doesn't always follow the law, Frankie and Trudy investigate mysteries and crimes that either the police refuse to take on, or that their clients cannot take to the police at all. Against a backdrop of social change, radical politics and jazz music, the series is immersed in both the real Toronto of the 1920s and the world of mystery and suspense conjured by creators Carol Hay and Michelle Ricci.
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