The critically acclaimed comedy "Con Man," created by and starring Alan Tud...
The critically acclaimed comedy "Con Man," created by and starring Alan Tudyk, tells the story of Wray Nerely, an aging, former sci-fi celebrity who t...
The critically acclaimed comedy "Con Man," created by and starring Alan Tudyk, tells the story of Wray Nerely, an aging, former sci-fi celebrity who travels the convention circuit to try to cash in on his fame. The story pays homage in a way to Tudyk's own career after his co-starring role in"Firefly," and even features recurring appearances by another "Firefly" alumnus, Nathan Fillion. "Con Man," which began as a short-form web series and garnered two Emmy nominations, also guest-stars an array of sci-fi luminaries, including Tricia Helfer, Amy Acker, Wil Wheaton, Nolan North, Casper Van Dien and Sean Astin.
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