The "Antiques Roadshow" appraisers and Fiona Bruce return for a series that...
The "Antiques Roadshow" appraisers and Fiona Bruce return for a series that further investigates the history of significant items. The team works toge...
The "Antiques Roadshow" appraisers and Fiona Bruce return for a series that further investigates the history of significant items. The team works together to uncover stories that surround unusual objects, portraits and family heirlooms. For example, when an artifact from Oliver Cromwell's funeral is discovered, Hilary Kay finds out about its authenticity; Paul Atterbury discovers the dark history of a Victorian sampler, which tells of the incarceration of its creator; and while investigating the importance of some trophies, John Foster discovers that they represented a great feat in the world of British athletics.
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