A young adult sports drama set against the backdrop of the HBCU, aka histor...
A young adult sports drama set against the backdrop of the HBCU, aka historically Black colleges and universities, experience at Bringston University,...
A young adult sports drama set against the backdrop of the HBCU, aka historically Black colleges and universities, experience at Bringston University, where Black excellence is a way of life. The series follows Simone, a young tennis hopeful from Beverly Hills who is trying to fight her way back after some time away from the court; Damon, an elite baseball player from Chicago who is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders; JR, Damon's fellow baseball player and childhood friend; Thea, the super-competitive queen bee of the Bringston tennis team; and Keisha, the school's unofficial mayor who must help Simone learn how to live her best life. As they contend with the high stakes of college sports, Simone and Damon must also navigate the highs and lows of unsupervised early adulthood at a prestigious HBCU.
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